
Polly Parker Meets Her Shadow

Fiction ages 12+

The six secrets have been hidden for millenniums by a small group of so-called Freethinkers who wish to keep the rest of the world uninformed and under-privileged. The time has come for the seers to demand fairness and a new world of unity for all. But this directly affects the Freethinkers way of life, and they will stop at nothing to stay in control.

With the prophesized end to Earth's destruction, could one more person discovering the secrets tip the scales of change? Polly Parker has waited 14 years to meet her shadow and the opportunity to find the hidden sacred knowledge. Higher Realm School offers Polly a safe place to explore – or so she thinks. Polly is left to question everything in a world where each thought becomes reality and holographic games are known to be deadly. She will need her new friends to seek a destiny generations in the making.

Polly Parker Meets Her Shadow is a ground-breaking story about essential inner wisdom, listening to your heart, and allowing your own life purpose to unfold.


The Success Formula


Everyone is searching for a formula for success, but there is no one, single formula for everyone as our needs, wants and wishes vary from individual to individual. On the other hand, it is noteworthy to mention that those who have achieved success have many qualities in common. The attributes of vision, risk-taking, passion, planning, focus and perseverance are typically utilized in various proportions to accomplish success.

On the journey to success, the first-timer must identify a goal, as the goal determines your actions. Then there is your measurement of success. One commonly-used gauge of success is financial progress. Other yardsticks include public acclaim, spiritual progress, personal health, knowledge, improved self-esteem and confidence … and the list goes on. What is yours?

After deciding on your goal, you proceed to develop your own success formula. This is where experts, including Victoria Lowery, can help. These mentors can save you time, effort, heartache and resources by helping you to create The Success Formula needed to achieve your goal.


Don't Date a Dud


You've read romance books and gotten relationship advice from your parents, friends, and the neighbor. Choosing a life-partner is arguably one of the most impactful decisions on both personal and professional success. Do you know the qualities that will make your relationship sizzle for centuries?

A "dud" is not some inherently malfunctioning human. A dud is something that fizzles out. It doesn't last. Someone can be a dud to you and princess or prince charming to someone else. It's about making a good match and knowing the qualities to build into your partnership.

The majority of your results will come from the Yes Test. This is 9 questions answered with a yes or a no - yes your relationship has this quality or no it does not. Nothing complicated.

There's one chapter dedicated to each Yes Test question with a full explanation and insight giving you confidence in your relationship decisions. Exercises are included at the end of these chapters to bring out the grey areas. The exercises bring deeper layers of understanding and help couples with planning.

Don't Date a Dud provides:

  • the knowledge needed to form and sustain optimal partner relationships
  • relief from commitment doubts
  • insight to strengthen your connection
  • marriage preparation
  • identification of trouble spots
  • a test that serves as a happily ever after insurance policy
  • awareness that will advance friendships and co-worker relationships too


Download a FREE copy of The Yes Test